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Research & Development
Throughout my HND in Culinary Design, I was the assistant of Alexis Revidat, in the Research & Development Department. This apprenticeship improved my skills and allowed me to test my creativity and explore new ways of conception, combination and lay out.
Throughout the year, our duo created over than hundred recipes for the Winter and Summer Menu of Fauchon Reception. Besides that huge work, we also had to create various and specific culinary animation to meet some customers's requests.
One of our specific creations
celebrating the
"London of Impressionists"
at Le Petit Palais
''The painter's palette''
Culinary animation created for Le Petit Palais, 2018
british influenced flavors :
roasted lamb
carrots purée
mint & pea purée
onion confit
steam cooked salmon
our work aLong the year
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